Document visibility & permissions depending on team member roles

In this article, we will explain more in-depth the team member permissions and visibility regarding the document section of your business for each role in Xodo Sign.


These permissions only apply to assigned Businesses for each user. Every user has their own standalone account and acts as Super Admin for that account. 

As visible in our Understanding Team Member Permissions article, it depends on the roles your team members are set up under, which areas of your business they have access to and whether they can make changes in these sections or not. 

Since document management and visibility is a sensitive area due to privacy and data security we believe it is important to provide you with more information about team member permissions regarding document access. When it comes to the document section of your business, please keep in mind that every single person set up as a team member, aside from "Staff", will be able to view and download all documents in the business. This includes the email addresses of your signers and the data your signer adds to the documents. Team members set up under the role of "Staff", will still be able to view, download, edit and cancel their own documents of course, but they cannot access documents sent by other team members. 

Generally, the most limited role is “Read-only”. Unlike “Staff”, team members set up under this role will be able to view and download all documents of the business, not only their own, but they have no options to create, edit or cancel documents, nor access the audit trail of documents. 

As you will be able to see in the table below, team members set up as  “Super-Admin” and “Manager” are able to view, download, edit and cancel all documents set up within the business. 

For a better overview please check the table below. 


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