How Can I Add Multiple Signers With One Email Address?

Let's say we have multiple singers under the email address

Setting two signers under the same email will result in an error.
However, we can do the following:

  1. Set the first signer under the regular email:
  2. Set the second signer under the following address:

Like that you can send 2 or more e-mails to the same address with Xodo Sign. 

Of course, this works with any written text after + e.g. "john+2", "john+wife", "john+husband", etc.)

Most modern e-mail services are supporting this "plus extension" of the name part of the address and of course, they are received in the default inbox. 

On the link above, it is mentioned that Yahoo does not support the plus extension of the email address. "These separate addresses use a hyphen – separator AND have to be individually setup in advance.".
Unfortunately, it is up to Yahoo when it comes to the email address structure, so please make sure to use appropriate rules for this mail server.

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