At the bottom of the New Document page you will find a section called Document Settings, carrying custom options that only apply to the current document being created:
- Enable auto-reminders: Enable automatic reminder emails for this document. By navigating to Business Settings Expiration & Reminders you will be able to set the schedules for automatic reminders.
- Require all signers to sign to complete the document: If this option is enabled, all signers must sign this document in order to complete it. If at least one signer declines to sign, this document will be canceled.
- Expire Document After: Using this option, a custom time period can be specified after which this document will expire. Completed documents cannot expire. By choosing "Choose Date" from the dropdown menu you will be able to specify an expiration date.
🕥 Important information
Please note that auto-reminders are precise at the level of days (not minutes or hours). We are sending out reminders daily at 3 AM CET to all customers, regardless of the time zones, and we do not guarantee exact reminder times.
Also, note that the document expiry mechanism is not exact.
expiry_timestamp is not a timestamp when the document will be expired but a timestamp after which time the document will be expired. Exact document expiry can happen within roughly 4 hours from the moment the document expiry timestamp passes, depending on our system's iteration job.