API request errors

Whenever an API request to the Xodo Sign API fails, an error will be returned. Errors always carry"success": false, an error code, a type object, and an info string.

There are different types of errors, presented and described in the table below.

Error Type Error Info
invalid_access_token The access token used within the OAuth2 call is not valid.
inactive_access_token The access token used within the OAuth2 call is not active.
user_not_found The user associated with the access token used in the OAuth2 call is not found.
application_inactive OAuth2 application deactivated (on the "Developer" page in Xodo Sign)
missing_access_key You have not supplied an API Access Key. [Required format: access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY]
invalid_access_key You have not supplied a valid API Access Key. Please provide a detailed description of what you wanted to do and steps to reproduce to the Technical Support: support@eversign.com
inactive_user Permission denied - User not active.
invalid_api_function This API Function does not exist. This can be caused by a malformed URL in the API request.
invalid_business_id Provided business_id is not in a valid form (number expected).
business_inactive Business used in API call is not active.
invalid_language_identifier The language identifier provided in the API call is not valid.
A list of supported languages can be found here API documentation : Languages
invalid_language_items Original language translation for language item does not exist.
invalid_document_hash It is not possible to get document details for the provided document hash.
document_permission_denied You do not have permission to execute an API call toward a defined document.
signer_not_found A signer can not be found based on the signer hash provided in the API call.
no_team_members_found There were no team members found during the team members list.
invalid_type A provided "type" parameter in the API request URL is not a valid option or is missing.
no_signatures_found Trying to list signatures where no signatures were found.
no_contacts_found_for_business Listing contacts for business, but no contacts were found.
no_businesses_found_for_user Listing businesses for the user, but no businesses were found.
database_connection_failed Indicates database connectivity issues. Please provide a detailed description of what you wanted to do and steps to reproduce to the Technical Support: support@eversign.com
invalid_business_identifier Validation of the business identifier failed. You have provided a business identifier in an incorrect format.
team_member_limit_reached You have reached the limit of team members you can create with your current plan. For detailed information about our plans visit eversign.com/pricing
invalid_email_address You have specified an invalid email address.
team_member_exists Team member already exists.
contact_already_exists Contact already exists.
missing_or_invalid_business_name You are creating a new business, but no business name is provided.
business_identifier_exists You are creating a new business, but you are using a business identifier that already exists.
missing_object_id You are trying to interact with the object, but no identification was provided. This might indicate internal errors. You should examine your API call, if no resolution was found, please provide a detailed description of what you wanted to do and steps to reproduce to the Technical Support: support@eversign.com
not_found The requested entity was not found. This is a very generic error type which can be related to signature, document, team member, contact, etc.
permission_denied Permission to interact with the requested entity is denied. This is a very generic error type which can be related to business, user account, document, signature, etc.
missing_contact_id You are trying to modify or delete a contact, without providing identification.
database_error Indicates database connectivity issues, Please provide a detailed description of what you wanted to do and steps to reproduce to the technical Support: support@eversign.com
missing_files Indicates that document can not be created without a file. This error can occur when creating document without files or when creating document from template where file was not reachable.
invalid_fields_input The structure provided in fields is invalid. Make sure you provide a 2 dimensional array that has the same size as the array provided in files.
template_missing_files Indicates that template can not be created without a file.
missing_file_content One or more document files could not be uploaded. In this case you can retry your API call. If the issue is persistent please contact the technical Support: support@eversign.com
template_is_draft Draft templates can not be used to create documents.
no_delete_permission You are trying to delete a document from someone else's business but do not have permission to do that.
missing_signers You did not provide signers.
signer_authentication_combined_with_pin_not_supported You are trying to create a signer with both pin and signer authentication enabled. This is not supported
signer_authentication_phone_number_invalid You enabled signer authentication, but did not provide a phone number, or did not provide it in the correct format which is E.164 international standard
signer_authentication_sms_overage_not_possible_with_free_account You are trying to overage/overspend signer authentication with a free account.
signer_authentication_sms_disabled Signer Authentication with SMS is disabled.
provided_hash_does_not_reference_template You provided an invalid template hash in the Bulk Sending endpoint.
uploaded_file_mime_type_not_supported You are trying to upload a file with a mime type that is not supported.
updating_expiry_date_of_finalized_document You are trying to update a finalized document with a new expiry date.
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