Is Xodo Sign Secure?

When working with Xodo Sign, you can be confident your information is secure.

Each data stream going into or out of Xodo Sign is secured by industry-standard 256-bit HTTPS encryption, documents are encrypted using unique hash keys, each signing process is accompanied by a tamper-evident Audit Trail carrying a detailed log of all transactions related to the document being signed, and as an additional security safeguard ensuring the security of client data, our entire data-set is stored in two separate secure locations.

Additionally, our environments are completely separated, and production data is only accessible via the production environment. 

Looking back at many years in the industry, we are proud to have proven our expertise in keeping user data safe and ensuring encrypted transactions by implementing the highest grade of security standards currently available.

▪ Feel free to also check the following two articles for more information on Xodo Sign's security and legality:
👉Verify the authenticity of signed documents
👉Is Xodo Sign Legally Binding?

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