Bulk Sending

Feature Availability

The Bulk Sending feature is available for all customers with a Basic (9.99$) plan or higher.
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Tip - Overage Billing!

The Bulk Sending feature is used to generate lots of documents. All of these documents are counted against your API quota. As the probability increases for your quota to be used up, we have created an option that allows you to enable Overage Billing in your Xodo Sign account. You can find all information about it in the following article ➡ Overage Billing

In this article, we will explain what it is, how it works, and current limitations you need to be aware of. 

What is Bulk Sending? 

The Bulk Sending feature is intended for sending a large number of documents from templates. Document templates are a well-known component in Xodo Sign. However, sometimes we want to use one template to generate many documents simultaneously (the bulk of documents).

How to use Bulk Sending? 

To use the Bulk sending feature, you need to have an existing template already

  1. Open your existing templates
  2. Click on the Actions menu in the top right corner and select 'Send template in Bulk'

  3. On the following screen, you can a) click on 'Download the CSV' template or b)'Skip' this step

  4. If you are using the Xodo Sign template, you can populate the information as shown in the below example
    (Don't forget to save the .csv file)


  5. Once the document is ready for upload, select 'Choose Files' and upload your document into Xodo Sign
  6. If everything looks good, you will receive a confirmation and you can select 'Confirm
  7. Select "Send to X Signers" and once confirmed you will see the following confirmation message
  8. All set, your documents have been sent and a so-called "Bulk Job" created.

What else is important to know!

  •  You can only send a maximum of 250 documents per bulk request
  •  Currently, Bulk Sending supports populating signer name and signer email fields, but we plan on extending these functionalities in the future


How to manage a Bulk Job? 

If you successfully sent out documents in bulk, we create a Bulk job for you which you can further access by following these steps:

  1. Open your existing templates
  2. Click on the Bulk Job button in the top right corner

  3. You will see a list of your recently sent Jobs

  4. Click on one of the list items, and you can take a detailed look at the current progress
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