Fields Overview (Field Types)

Please find below a quick summary of the fields you can place onto your document workspace:


Place signature fields exactly where you expect your signers to place their signature. Please note that the default size of the signature field is considered the recommended minimum. If you decrease your signature fields in size, your signers' signatures may appear very small.

You can place initial fields exactly where you expect your signers to place their signature. Please note that the default size of the initial field is considered the recommended minimum. If you decrease your signature fields in size, your signers' signatures may appear very small.
Date Signed
Date Signed fields will carry the date when the signature of the respective signer was placed during the final signing process. This field is not editable in its content.

This is a standard text area field that can be resized as per your preference. As a signer field, this can be used as standard text input, and as a No Signer field, this can be used in order to add text to your document.

Full Name
Place this field wherever you expect signers to place their first and last names.

Place this field wherever you expect signers to place their company name.

Place this field wherever you expect signers to place their title.
Place this field wherever you expect signers to place their email addresses. In case you are looking to validate whether or not your signer has provided a valid email address, please select your email field and choose "Email Address" from the top "Field Validation" dropdown menu. Learn more about Field Validation.

Checkboxes are a great way of giving signers a way of specifically accepting terms and conditions or getting yes/no answers..

Radio Button
Radio buttons are a way of enabling signers to choose between conditions.
Just like radio buttons, dropdown menus can be used to offer multiple choices, while using less space.

Place attachment fields wherever you expect signers to upload one or more files


Place image fields wherever you expect signers to upload an image. For example a stamp, a picture or a floorplan. The possibilities are endless.

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